+351 229 999 540 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional) geral@transportesresende.com

Legal Notice

1. Property

www.transul.com.pt is an internet domain owned by Transportes Resende, SA (hereinafter referred to as Resende Group), headquartered at Rua Conde S. Salvador, 492 4450-264 Matosinhos, Portugal, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Porto under the legal person number PT501070699. Unless otherwise indicated, references made on this website to the Resende Group shall be construed as references to Transportes Resende, S.A. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2. Object

This Legal Notice governs the use of this domain. The use of this website implies the acceptance of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice and that accesses it acquires the category of “User”.

Resende Group reserves the right to modify or unilaterally update, at any time and without prior notice, the content, configuration and presentation of the portal, as well as the “Terms and Conditions of Access and Use” and the “Terms of Use”. Confidentiality and Data Protection ”.

The use of certain services offered on the portal will be cumulatively governed by the particular rules and conditions which, in each case, are considered effective and applicable at any given time, which are deemed to be accepted when using those services.

3. Terms and Conditions of Access and Use

The User undertakes to, when filling out forms or any similar acts, to provide true, accurate and complete information about their identity. You further agree to keep personal data updated, provided to the domain owner, and therefore solely responsible for any falsehoods or inaccuracies.

Access to the portal is free and free. However, as regards the use, provision and/or contracting of the services that may be made available through this same portal, they are subject to a prior compliance with formal requirements, such as the completion of the corresponding form and the prior analysis and/or acceptance of the particular conditions applicable to them.

Domain access does not imply the establishment of any kind of commercial relationship or relationship between Resende Group and the User.

The information provided on the portal about services offered by the Resende Group is for informational and advertising purposes only, unless otherwise expressly identified.

The portal may only be used for legal purposes and you are required to make fair and honest use of the Terms and Conditions of Access and Use and not to use the portal services to:

  • carry out activities for purposes or effects contrary to law, morals, public order and morality;
  • purposes contrary to or prejudicial to the legitimate rights of others;
  • apply the content and information of any kind obtained through the portal for commercial purposes;
  • negotiate or otherwise disclose such information.

4. Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy

The Resende Group recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information that may be provided by visitors to the portal. For this reason, it undertakes to make the necessary efforts to respect the privacy of Users, striving to strike a balance between their legitimate business interests in obtaining and using the information received from and about Users and their reasonable expectations. their privacy. Resende Group explains below how it handles the information it obtains about Users whenever they visit the portal:

4.1. Personal data

Resende Group declares its respect for and compliance with the provisions of Law 67/98 of 26 October (Portugal), which regulates the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these.

Resende Group, in accordance with current legislation, informs you that personal data that you provide through the use of the portal or by registering on the portal will be stored in an automated personal data file owned by you.

When necessary, Resende Group will ask the User to fill in the Data Update form, which will be made available for this purpose on the portal.

Resende Group also undertakes not to share or provide the information collected to third parties, except with express authorization. Access to personal data will be restricted to authorized persons.

The Resende Group maintains data protection security levels in accordance with current legislation on security measures for automated files containing personal data, and establishes all the technical means at its disposal to ensure the privacy of the data that it contains.

The User entrusts the Resende Group and to prevent its loss, misuse and unauthorized alteration and access, without prejudice to alerting the User that the security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

The User has the right to access and revise their personal data, as well as to require its correction, alteration, updating and deletion or blocking.

The User also has the right to withdraw your consent at any time, free of charge, through the email address geral@transsul.com.pt

The User expressly consents to the collection and processing by Resende Group of their personal data obtained through the use of the portal or by registering with it.

4.2. Non-Personal Data

Any non-personal information, communications and material you send to the portal or Resende Group by email will be considered non-confidential data. The Resende Group is free to use and reproduce this information freely and for any purpose. Specifically, the Resende Group will be free to use the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose, including product development, manufacturing or marketing. All information you submit to the portal must be true, must not violate the rights of third parties and must be legal.

5. Cookies

The Resende Group uses cookie technology, through which its servers deposit special codes on your computer. This information helps to determine the total number of portal visitors continuously and the types of Internet browsers and operating systems users use. This information is used for the sole purpose of facilitating portal navigation and personalizing the service that is provided to Users. Under no circumstances will the Resende Group use this information to personally identify Users or cross-reference information with any personal information that is voluntarily offered on or through the portal.

All browsers allow the user to accept, decline or delete cookies. For more information see the instructions and manuals of the browser itself.

6. Links to Other Portals

As a value added service for the User, Resende Group provides links to other portals. Resende Group strives to carefully select web pages that it believes to be useful and that meet its high levels of demand. However, Resende Group cannot guarantee these levels on all links it proposes, nor can it explicitly or implicitly guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. Thus, Grupo Resende is not responsible for the content and use of these same external web pages.

7. Connections

These domain names may not be used in connection with other content, products or services not owned by Resende Group, or in any way that may cause doubt or uncertainty between End Users.

Users wishing to establish a connection or connection to the portal must obtain the prior written consent of the Resende Group.

8. Portal Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

By accessing the portal, you are granted a limited use license of that portal. This license gives you a limited, non-exclusive right for private use only in the content of the portal.

The portal is a work protected by Copyright and Related Rights and by Industrial Property Rights. The portal and each of its component elements (such as trademarks, logos, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, video clips, etc.) are the exclusive property of Resende Group, the only entity authorized to use the Intellectual Property Rights and of personality associated, granting this no license or any right to the User other than to consult the portal. Reproduction of any documents posted on the Portal is authorized for information purposes only, for strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the portal or any of its constituent elements, in whatever form, and in whatever form, for other purposes, including commercial purposes, is expressly prohibited.

9. Limitation of Liability and Exclusion of Warranties

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the portal is your sole and exclusive responsibility.

Resende Group does not generally control the use that Users make of the portal and, in particular, does not guarantee that Users use the portal in accordance with the law, the present conditions of use, morals and commonly accepted morals. in public order, nor that they do so diligently and prudently.

The portal and all materials offered on it are for general consumer information purposes only. Neither the portal nor any materials are intended to constitute (and do not constitute) the practice of advising or providing content, data, software, information, products and / or services. Any mention of professionals or the information (including but not limited to their contents and results) contained in or provided through the portal is for general information purposes only and does not imply that Resende Group has any association with such professionals.

Notwithstanding that Resende Group makes every effort to ensure uninterrupted availability of the portal, it will not be liable if for any reason it is not available at any time and for a certain period.

Resende Group also does not guarantee the absence of errors in the contents, which are updated, as well as the absence of viruses and other harmful elements in the portal or the server that provides it.

Any damage or injury that may be caused by reasons inherent in the malfunctioning of the external domain portals to which links have been established is not the responsibility of the Resende Group.

10. Resolution

Without prejudice to the liability for damages that may result, Resende Group may, immediately and without notice, resolve and terminate your relationship with the User, interrupting your access to the portal or the corresponding services. , if you detect use of the same or any of the services linked to it contrary to the applicable conditions.

11. Changes

Resende Group may, at any time and without prior notice, change the presentation and configuration of the portal, as well as the present conditions or, if necessary, introduce new conditions of use by posting them on the portal, so that they may be known. by the User when accessing it and before using it. Use of the Portal, once the applicable changes are made, will signify your acceptance of these modified conditions.

12. Communications

You agree that Resende Group may send you communications or may contact you by e-mail, postal mail or any other means you may provide.

The User may make any other queries or comments by sending a postal communication to the Resende Group’s social address or by e-mail geral@transsul.com.pt

The User who has consented to the sending of communications under the above terms may at any time exercise his right to object and refuse to send future communications, as described in the previous section “Privacy Policy and Data Protection. ” In this case, communications between the Resende Group and the User will be in accordance with the contact details provided, and the User expressly accepts the use of electronic mail as a valid means for exchanging communications.

13. Nullity and Nullability

If any provision of this “Legal Notice” is found to be void or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by a judicial or administrative decision of the competent entity, such invalidity or annulment shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms, except where the party claim its nullity or nullity proves that without the clause that will result null or invalid could not achieve the objectives intended by this “Legal Notice”.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The present “Legal Notice” and the relations established between the Resende Group and the User are subject to Portuguese Law. For all issues arising from the interpretation and application of this “Legal Notice”, as well as to settle all issues and disputes that may arise, the Portal User accepts the jurisdiction of the courts of the Resende, S.A.